Kendrick Lamar – wacced out murals

Kendrick Lamar - GNX Album
Kendrick Lamar - GNX Album

Kendrick Lamar is the most influential American rapper, hip hop recording artist and pgLand founder who recently uncovered a smash song called “wacced out murals.”

The song is taken from his studio album he captioned “GNX Album” which the initials stands for Grand National Experimental. It is a 12-track studio project that is booming on the musical charts.


Moreover, “wacced out murals” is placed at #1 on the album and is among the most streamed ones from this project and it also showcases Lamar’s ability to serve his fanbase perfectly.

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…quotable lyrics

Yesterday somebody whacked out my mural
That energy’ll make you niggas move to Europe
But it’s regular for me, yeah, that’s for sure
The love and hate is definite without a cure
All this talk is bitch-made, that’s on my Lord
I’ll kill ’em all before I let ’em kill my joy
I done been through it all, what you endure?
It used to be fuck that nigga, but now it’s plural
Fuck everybody, that’s on my body
My blick first, then God got me
I watch ’em pandеr with them back-handed compliments
Put thеy head on a Cuban link as a monument
I paid homage and I always mind my business
I made the—
I never lost who I am for a rap image
It’s motivation if you wonder how I did it

Listen to Kendrick Lamar – wacced out murals below!

audio wacced out murals by Kendrick Lamar
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About KelvinDerola 141 Articles
KelvinDerola is a certified Journalist who has received his degree from St. Augustine University (SAUT), with 5+ years experience in blogging. This is his main website that keeps him closer to you!

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