Brandy – Afrodisiac

Brandy - Afrodisiac
Brandy - Afrodisiac Album

Well-known and top-charted American female singer-songwriter known by her stage name, Brandy delivered a timeless song captioned “Afrodisiac.”

The song was taken from her studio project called Afrodisiac Album and Timbaland is a record producer that produced this intriguing song that still a thing today.


Furthermore, Afrodiasic was released officially on September 24, 2004 and it is among singles that showcased her extraordinary talents and skills that pushed her music farther in the music space.

SIMILAR: Wale – The Matrimony Ft. Usher

In the end, since you are on this post, I can tell you are a legend! Thanks to technology, the song is now availabe for your fast download and stream here.

…quotable lyrics

You’re my afrodisiac
You’re the only one I’m needin’ (Oh, yeah)
When I go, I’ll come back
‘Cause there is no way I’m leavin’
You’re my afrodisiac
You’re the only one I’m needin’
When I go, I’ll come back (Oh, yeah)
‘Cause there is no way I’m leavin’

Listen to Brandy – Afrodisiac below!

audio Afrodisiac by Brandy
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About KelvinDerola 148 Articles
KelvinDerola is a certified Journalist who has received his degree from St. Augustine University (SAUT), with 5+ years experience in blogging. This is his main website that keeps him closer to you!

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