Benson Boone – Beautiful Things

Benson Boone - Beautiful Things
Benson Boone - Beautiful Things

American pop music star known by his stage name, Benson Boone delivers a new chart-topping single labeled “Beautiful Things.”

This remarkable song is out now and trending! It is a beautiful as much as catchy song that you cannot help but fall in love with in the first place.


Moreover, “Beautiful Things” visual is already streamed over 500M times on YouTube and if you are reading this and you have been watching it lately, please tell us in the comments what count it’s on now.

The lyrics, the singing, and the delivery are all on point! Boone realy took his time making this timeless piece of art. Grab your copy and easily get transported to the unforgettable musical journey.

SIMILAR: Kendrick Lamar – Loyalty Ft. Rihanna

…quotable lyrics

For a while there, it was rough
But lately, I’ve been doin’ better
Than the last four cold Decembers I recall
And I see my family every month
I found a girl my parents love
She’ll come and stay the night, and I think I might have it all
And I thank God every day
For the girl He sent my way
But I know the things He gives me, He can take away
And I hold you every night
And that’s a feeling I wanna get used to
But there’s no man as terrified as the man who stands to lose you

Listen to Benson Boone – Beautiful Things below!

audio Beautiful Things by Benson Boone
Audio Player


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About KelvinDerola 141 Articles
KelvinDerola is a certified Journalist who has received his degree from St. Augustine University (SAUT), with 5+ years experience in blogging. This is his main website that keeps him closer to you!

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